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Retirement Planning
April 15, 2024

How to Track Down and Reclaim Your Lost Pensions

Matthew Sinclair APFS
Chartered Financial Planner
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In the UK, there are billions of pounds sitting in unclaimed pensions, waiting for their rightful owners to come forward. If you suspect you may have lost track of a pension or two, fear not – in this blog post, we'll guide you through the steps to track down and reclaim your lost pensions.

Understanding Lost Pensions

So, how does one go about losing a pension? It's easier than you might think. Moving house without updating your contact details with the pension provider, changing jobs, or pension providers merging or rebranding can all contribute to losing track of pensions.

Why It's Worthwhile to Find Lost Pensions

Finding lost pensions is not just a matter of financial tidiness – it's about claiming what's rightfully yours. These lost funds could significantly boost your retirement savings, potentially allowing for an earlier retirement or a higher income during retirement.

How to Find Your Lost Pensions

1. Gather Information

Start by collecting any relevant documents, such as old pension statements, employment contracts, or letters from pension providers. These can jog your memory about past pensions.

2. Use the Government’s Pension Tracing Service

If you know the name of your old employer or pension provider, utilize the Government’s Pension Tracing Service to find their contact details.

3. Contact Former Employers

Reach out to your previous employers and inquire about any pension schemes you were enrolled in during your employment.

4. Contact Pension Providers

Provide your personal details and any relevant information to pension providers to help them locate your pension.

5. Check for Mergers

Research if your pension scheme underwent any mergers or name changes over time, as this could affect how you locate it.

6. Stay Patient

Locating lost pensions can take time, so be persistent and patient until you've found all your old pensions.

What to Do Once You've Found Your Old Pensions

Once you've located your lost pensions, request details from the pension providers regarding the current value, underlying investments, and options for accessing the funds. Update your contact information with the provider to ensure you receive future communications.

Depending on your preferences and financial situation, you may want to consider consolidating your old pensions for easier management. This can be done independently or with professional advice.


Tracking down and reclaiming lost pensions can significantly impact your retirement savings and financial security. By following the steps outlined above, you can take control of your financial future and ensure you receive the benefits you're owed.

Remember, it's never too late to reclaim what's rightfully yours. If you think you need assistance with any of the topics we've covered in this article, feel free to give us a call on 0191 384 1008, or email us at

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